It’s been quite awhile since i’ve written a blog entry and for that i apologize. Initially i promised a new entry every three weeks or so but recently i’ve felt that i haven’t had much to write about. So i thought to get started again i might leave it up to you all. Right now i’m on a plane to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to corner Jesse Juarez and Emmanuel Newton for MFC 23. I foresee an ample amount of free time so after i post this “entry” along with requests for topics on Twitter i’m going to try to knock out the next entry. I’ll also be working on the long over-due gi reviews for the three companies (Vulkan, Ouano and Gracie Barra) that sent me gi’s.
I always thought it’d be cool to have a blog and let everyone know what i think, but once i got one i realized that it’s very difficult to keep up. Partly because i wanted to write something engaging and interesting and not just , “well, i went to wal-mart today”…I’ve got Twitter for that kind of stuff. Every time i started writing one i scrapped it because i thought it sucked. I started one defending Mirko Cro Cop after his last fight, but it didn’t make the cut. Then i started another one about my training partner, Emmanuel Newton, and his last fight (a loss). I began writing about my frustrations with Emmanuel, his level of talent, some bad decisions he’s made blah blah blah. The problem with this was, not only was i rambling, but i felt like this wasn’t the kind of thing that needed to be talked about on my blog, but with Emmanuel personally. It wasn’t meant to be insulting to him, but if one read it without explanation it would’ve seemed that i didn’t care for Emmanuel, which isn’t the case.
So, I’ll post this and if you have ideas either leave comments on the blog, or if you’re on Twitter shoot me an @ message (@kcbandit) with you’re idea. There’s really no prize for getting picked…except that you get to hear me ramble about your choice of topic.
Damn J, that’s too bad that you haven’t had much to write about beacuse you’re a good writer. I’d love to see some stuff about what’s going on at the Bodyshop. I had a chance to visit there about a year ago and kick it with Tone and it was a great time. Your gym is severely underrated and does not get enough credit.